Concierge Service


Flower bouquet for a surprise or a proposal. The service contains bed decorations and flower arrangements with bouquets and petals.


A cake for a birthday or as a gratitude gesture for your loved ones. Fresh cream cake with fruits size 4 (12cm). Message plates can be arranged at dinner (free of charge). Please make reservations 5 days in advance.


Balloons for a surprise or a proposal. Prices vary depending on the quantity, type and size of the balloons. Please contact the concierge for the details.


People call Kouri Island "Koishima" which means “Love island” in Japanese. Please contact the concierge for the details and we will be happy to assist you with your proposal.


Why not start your day with a refreshing breeze and the feeling of the sea air?
Dates: Every Saturday and Sunday
Price: Free (for hotel guests only)
Capacity: Up to 10 people
Reservation: Until 5:00 PM the day before


Photo under the starry sky. A commemorative photo with the starry sky of Kouri Island is a great way to save precious memories of your trip. Private tour for only one group at the same time.
Price: 1 group (up to 3 people) - 15,000 yen. 4 and more people additional fee of 6,000 yen per person.
Reservation: Until 6:00 PM the day of shooting


E-bikes run smoothly on slopes with high power. Maximum speed is 20km/h.
Price: 1 hour - 3,000 yen


High power assist bicycles can easily go up hills.
Price: 1 hour - 1,500 yen

CRUISING -Private Boat Cruise-

Enjoy cruising the sea near Kouri Island on a small charter boat.
Price: 75 minutes ride for 6,000 yen per person
Payment: Settlement directly with the tour shop
The maximum amount of people on the boat is 4 people.
Reservation: Until the day before

CRUISING -Kouri Island Circumnavigation & Secret Cave Private Tour-

We'll take you around Kouri Island and guide you to a secret cave accessible only from the sea. Why not enjoy the fantastical heart-shaped formations from various angles during our cave exploration?
We offer special benefits for guests staying in One Suite.
Price: 70 minutes ride for 11,000 yen per person
Payment: Settlement directly with the tour shop
Reservation: Until 5:00 PM the day before
【Tour shop: COCONUTS CLUB】


You can choose your favorite combination from river trekking / hiking / sightseeing (Cape Hedo, Daisekirinzan, etc.).
Price: One-day tour – 22,000 yen per person. Half day tour – 11,000 yen per person.
The price includes hotel pick-up, lunch, drinks, snacks, activity supplies, all photo & video data. * Lunch is not included in the half-day tour.
Reservation: Until the day before
【Tour shop: Active Okinawa】


A private tour where a photographer captures your stay in Kouri Island.
Price: 90 minutes for 1 group (up to 5 people) - 30,000 yen. 4 and more people additional fee of 5,000 yen per person.
Additional options: Paint photo 2,500 yen per person. Drone 20,000 yen per group.
Reservation: Until 6:00 PM the day before


Pool Outdoor infinity pool available all year round.
Opening hours 8:00~21:00.
Pool size:17.4m x 7m
Pool basin size:12.8m x 10.6m(water depth 15cm)

Restaurant Click here for restaurant information page.



Kouri Island view from Kouri Bridge

Kouri beach

Kouri Ohashi bridge and Milky Way.

Overlooking Kouri Ohashi bridge from the top of the island hill.